Management Assessment & Audit Services

Management Assessment & Audit Services

Management Assessment & Audit Services

Hightech Partners ITP also provides comprehensive MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT AND AUDIT offerings, customised to Client needs, in a range of scenarios:

  • As part of a regular program of Assessment of Human Capital (Management Audit).
  • In anticipation of Merger/Alliance activity, where the resulting enlarged executive team needs to be objectively assessed for fitness for purpose.
  • Prior to right-sizing, where the executive population needs to be deployed more effectively.
  • In validating medium and long term plans and replacement tables for current executive resources.
  • In re-positioning or benchmarking companies into a more competitive posture.
  • In specific situations where an individual needs to be assessed independently.

Management Assessment

to make sure that your Human Capital is leveraged and allocated to deliver top performance


Management Assessments are performed through in-depth interviews and feedback sessions. 360 degree reference checking is performed on each individual assessed, providing a balanced picture of how he/she is regarded by his/her superiors, peers, juniors and by people external to the company (clients, suppliers, etc). Psychometric testing is performed using well-accepted tools. 


As a follow up to Assessment exercises, Mentoring Services are offered on demand to help coach promising executives to achieve their full potential. These include personalized progress reviews, recommendations for management education and training and feedback to individual executives and their sponsors.

For more information on our current capabilities and to discuss your own requirements register with our Leaders' Circle or contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at our Headquarters 32 2 663 1600

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